The team at KR Peters Officer and Wantirna South celebrated the end of the financial year with a bumper sales result, selling an astonishing 761 properties in 2020/2021.
The result translates to $309,201,898 in sales, or one sale every 12 hours. This figure dwarfs past years when the team typically sold around 350 properties.
The tally surprised even veteran company director Peter Nicolls.
"We thought the last 12 months had been hard yakka with Covid, but for our business it has actually been an exceptional year," Mr Nicolls said.
"It's unbelievable to be honest. I had no idea these would be the numbers come June 30."
Mr Nicolls said the Covid pandemic had worked in the real estate industry's favour as people prioritised lifestyle and space, seeking larger homes on the metro fringe.
"People made the decision that lifestyle is important and they want to move on with their lives and don't want be stuck in a box. They have gone out and purchased larger homes with bigger back yards. The pandemic has caused a massive uplift in consumers wanting make a move."
Mr Nicolls said his team had little trouble selling family homes in Officer, Cranbourne, Carrum Downs, Clyde North and Pakenham, with "absolutely everything and anything" that came onto the market selling quickly.
"And the incredible thing is that prices have gone up least 15 per cent over the same period. People have a fear of missing out and are willing to pay ever rising prices."
Mr Nicolls said despite increasing prices, property in the outer south east was still seen as affordable.
He said most buyers were coming from a 20km radius from suburbs such as Clayton, Mulgrave, Glen Waverley and Wantirna, many looking for new blocks of land on which to build their dream home.
Mr Nicolls also attributed the strong sales result to record low interest rates and generous state and federal government incentives, describing them as the "perfect concoction" for a hot real estate market.
He paid tribute to the hard working KR Peters sales team who delivered the outstanding result despite Covid lockdowns, inspection limitations and bans on in-person auctions.
"I knew everyone had put their head down and were kicking goals, but we hadn't measured it on an annual basis. The whole team stayed positive, worked together and, at the end of the day, continued to deliver exceptional customer service.
"The results of their hard work and dedication speak for themselves.
"As a business we have been fortunate. Listings are strong, and we have some exciting new projects coming on to the market in 2022.
"The whole team is looking forward to the new financial year, kicking more goals as they deliver results not just for the business, but for our valued vendors and buyers as well."